Monday, October 28, 2013

Adinath Jatra

Also known as Awandati Lokeshwara, it is one of the four Lokeshwara temples, situated at Adinath Hill, west of Chobhar gorge. Very sacred to the Newars, Adinath is said to be an incarnation of Manjushree who cut a gorge that submerged a mass of land that later became, Kathmandu. On the first day of bright Chaitra. the Vajracharya Priest of Patan removes the life spirit from the deity while the other priests place a smaller image in a khat (Palanquin) and carry it down to Nakhu for a ceremonial birth.

For the next few days. Adinath Lokeshwora awaits with eyes heavenwards. as few chosen ones ritually cleanse him and re-paint his face. On the 7th day, this deity is locked up in a tiny, airless room where he undergoes a curious ritual - gupha- a puberty ritual of a Newar girl. Next day,the priests come to fetch the deity from the room and is carried back to the Adinath hill in the evening. The mysterious resurrection rites continue 

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