Monday, October 28, 2013

MataTirtha Snan

According to one of the legends, a cowherd whose mother had passed away became so depressed that he often sat by a pond, missing her and hoping to get a glimpse of his beloved mother On Mother's day, her face appeared on the glassy surface of the water and consoled him. This spot is called Mats Tirtha (six miles south-west of central Kathmandu, just off the Thankot road) and today. many throng here hoping to see their departed mother's face and to pray for her soul.

In earlier times, many used to visit the site and spend the night with songs, prayers and lights. Today, most households are still festive and bustling in preparation of all kinds of special treats for the mothers. Others visit their married daughters to 'look upon their lace', and take her back to her family home where she celebrates the day cooking and re-uniting with other females in the family

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