Tuesday, November 26, 2013


 Ichangu Narayan Temple is one of the four important Narayan temples within Kathmandu valley. It is located around 3 km west from Buddhapark, Kathmandu, which is near Swayambhunath stupa. It is a two-storied pagoda temple with an idol of Vishnu placed inside. The temple also houses different idols of Hindu gods and goddess. The of and Bad are also popular attractiou lchangu Narayan. During Nepali calendar months of I and Mangshir, Hari Bodo" Dasami festival is observed which is the biggest festil lord Vishnu. Within the voi distance of one hour from temple, one can reach the ' Gumba (Monastery), is a very scenic spot to b sweeping view of Kati= This monastery is open for only on Saturdays.

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