Tuesday, November 26, 2013


  Kartik dance is a popular dance performance and and integral part of Patan's culture. The Newari people calls it 'Kathi Pyakha'and it is performed during the Nepali calendar month of Kartik (.October- November). According to the local folklore, the citizens of Patan were  unhappy with their King unlike the citizens of Kathmandu and Bhakpur who were happy with their King. Therefore, to make a good rapport between the subjects and the King, the tradition of Kartik dance was started by King Siddhi Narsingh MaIla to entertain his subjects and to build bond with them. The king asked for help of his guru, Bishwonath to start the Tantric dance of Narsingh, wherein the story of God Narsingh slaying the demon Hiranya Kasyapu is reenacted. This dance is performed in front of the Charnarayan temple for seven days.

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