Wednesday, November 27, 2013


 King Bhupatindra Malta made a great contribution in development of Bhaktapur. Born to King Jitamitra MaIla and Queen Lalmati in 1656 AD, King Bhupatindra Malla ruled the kingdom of Bhaktapur for 26 years. During his reign, the kingdom prospered in the field of Newari arts and crafts. The 55 Windowed Palace and Nyatapolo Temple were built during his rule. He also made an im contribution in renovntion• restoration works of v temples and monuments, is a statue of King Bhup* Mall atop a stone piller homage to the guardian goddess Taleju Bhawani, of the Golden Gate. It this statue was also co to raise public belief tow Mother Goddess Taleju King Bhupatindra Mafia w of literature, arts and cult he contributed largely In fields during his reign. Ho 1722 AD.

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