Tuesday, November 26, 2013


 In Hindu mythology, Kal Bhairav is regarded as a highly powerful deity. For its large stature and fierce countenance, the stature of Kal Bhairav is also called Mahakal. Kal Bhairav is one of the manifestation of Lord Shiva. It is said the statue was discovered in the hills of Nagarjun during the regime of King Pratap MaIla. It was transferred to Kathmandu Durbar Square performing tantric rituals. From MaIla era till the time of the Rana regime, criminals were brought before the Kal Bhairav for confession. It was held that criminals who lied of their crimes before the Kal Bhairav would vomit blood and die there instantly. This deity is also known as the god of Supreme Court.

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