Thursday, November 28, 2013


 From inside the Nasal Chowk to the northeast, there is a small door that leads to Mul chowk. This courtyard bears a great religious importance as it used to be a holy site for different ceremonial occasions during the MaIla rule. This courty2 displays finest example of New woodcarving on the stru windows and pillars. There approximately 50 wooden carv struts inside this courtyard. Tht are six spires in the roof of t temple with the statues of Ganga and Jamuna on its both sidt According to the legend, after t, construction of Taleju temple king immediately commission the work of this courtyard the 17th century. It is the oldt courtyard at Kathmandu Durb Square. This courtyard opens 1 public twice every year during t festival of Dashain and Chaite Dashain.

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