Tuesday, November 26, 2013


 Itum Bahal is the largest  Buddhist courtyard in the city and remains an oasis of tranquility in the bustling capital. It is located around 200 meter West from  Jana Bahal and 150 meter from Nardevi. hum Bahal is popular for the Kesh Chandra Sanskaarita awarta monastery built by althy man, Kesh Chandra, ie the Malla period. hum ii is also known for the temple of Tara Devi, the goddess with power of healing different Ries. It is said that by uttering goddess' name Taaremaam, :ould offer a dying person a ess death. There is a sacred nearby the temple said to ie abode of Jaraa Naga, a worshipped in an image of pent. According to the local La person with skin diseases be cured by worshipping well under the guidance of local priest.

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