Thursday, November 28, 2013


 The National Art Museum is located at the Sinha Dhoka Palace of the Bhaktapur Durbar Square. The palace was constructed during the reign of King Bhupatindra Malta. The museum displays a collection of ancient hindu and buddhist stone idols along with thauka painting with historical and archeological significance. The highlights of the museum are the seventh century stone tablet of King Shiva Dev of the I Lichhavi period, 11th century stone tablet and various ancient stone artifacts. Brief life history of Shah kings from King Prithivi Narayan Shah to King Dipendra Shah, as well as depictions of Krishna Lila are also exhibited here. The museum is closed on Tuesdays and on public holidays.

Located behind the Dattatraya Temple, the National Art Museum is housed inside the Pujari Math, a hindu monastery in the 15th Centur3 Yakshya Malla to act the hindu pilgrims. 11 has a splendid cal wooden arts and cal back to the 15th al building in itself ill art with intricate Ili on its windows =di Pujari Math is fro Peacock Window.

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