Friday, November 29, 2013


It is believed that Bouddhanath Stupa was constructed during the time of Lichhavi King Man Dev in the 5th Century. According to a traditional belief, the Kathmandu Valley was hit by an extended period of drought in the ancient time, bringing about chaos and collapse of social harmony. Man Dev's father King Dharma Dev, who ruled Nepal at that time, was deeply concerned by the situation. Upon consulting the fortunetellers, the king was asked to sacrifice a perfect man possessing all 32 virtues. Realizing that only himself  and his son possessed the 32 virtues, the king decided :to sacrifice himself. The king told his son that a ghost wrapped in white clothes would appear in front of the Narayanhiti water spout, who he should cut it into two pieces to end the drought.The  prince did as ordered by his father thus ending drought. However, the prince was devastated when he realized that the ghost in question was his I own father. One night. goddess Vajrayogini of Sankhu came in the prince's dream and advised him to construct a Buddhist Stupa to free himself from the sin of patricide. The deity had also told him that she would fly a white pigeon and that the Stupa should ; be built wherever the pigeon lands. The other condition was that rainwater or flowing water should not be used to construct the stupa. It is said Man Dev collected dewdrops to use it for construction of the Stupa also known as Khasuti, meaning dew moisture in Newari tongue.

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