Friday, December 6, 2013


The moment our tummy is grumbling of hunger, the first thing that comes to mind is some cheesy burgers, steaming nnomos or a plate full of Thakali khana. We never fantasize feasting on some bunch of boring bananas or gloomy green vegetables. But there are people for whom cooking food above 46 degree Celsius means loosing nutritional values of the food. And they survive on a total raw food diet. Well, following this type of diet plan does have some health benefits, however being a raw dieter might not be a very sensible idea. So what we can do is eat raw foods that are meant to be eaten raw and cook those which are best gobbled that way. When found in their natural, raw state, such foods are packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and live enzymes that too much cooking can destroy. Here is a list of foods that you should try to eat raw whenever possible in order to enjoy their numerous health benefits.


Coconut is known to be one of the most effective natural hydrating foods there is. especially when eaten fresh and raw. The coconut water is made up of natural electrolytes that closely match what your own body produces. So. you can take a sip of coconut water and forget about other energy drinks. The coconut meat contains healthy fats that can work to lower cholesterol and improve heart and brain function. Coconuts also have antibacterial and antifungal properties that fight off disease. making them one of the healthiest snacks you could ever choose.


Fresh leafy greens like kale, chard and spinach are full of vitamin C that boosts your immune system and also contain chlorophyll, a powerful antioxidant. as well as fiber. enzymes and amino acids. Of course, these greens are healthy when cooked as well, but eating them raw preserves their nutritional concentration best.

Try preparing a raw kale salad with chopped nuts and a light balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing or top your sandwiches with raw baby spinach to give your lunch a healthy boost.


Eating raw broccoli can fight cancer. The chewing process involved while eating raw  broccoli, helps to rupture the special compound that is located in the plant's cell walls, an enzyme called myrosinase, that speeds up your liver's ability to detoxify carcinogens. Whereas eating steamed broccoli supplies only about a third asmuch of these special cancer-fighting compounds.


Raw nuts like almonds. walnuts and cashews can lower the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood and are even thought to reduce the risk of blood clots by improving the lining of your arteries. Most nuts you buy in the supermarket. however. are roasted at a temperature higher than 170 degrees. which means that the good fats are broken down and turned into free radicals. which are harmful to your body.

Look for fresh. non-roasted nuts that are still in their shells to get the most nutritional value. A handful of mixed nuts make a great quick snack. but they can be added to salads or grinded into tasty pastes and dips.

Chia Seeds

Four tablespoons of chia seeds supply as much calcium as three cups of milk, as much magnesium as 10 stalks of broccoli, as much iron as one-half cup of red kidney beans, 30% more antioxidants than blueberries, 25% more dietary fiber than flaxseed and approximately the same amount of omega-3 as a 32-ounce fillet of salmon. Instead of a typical hot breakfast cereal, try a Chia breakfast pudding for a more nutritious start to your day!

 There are plenty of ways to enjoy Chia seeds without 2 cooking them; you can make a cold chia drink with lime and a natural sweetener, sprinkle the seeds on salads or make a simple chia gel that can be added to dips, dressings and smoothies.


Is a great mood booster due to the phyto-chemicals it contains, slits why so many people turn to chocolate when they are feeling iver, cooked cocoa that Is found in most chocolate bars and other products Is actually harmful to your health. When the oils and fats mod bean are heated, they actually can become toxic. And, as we r,olatti I often highly processed with added sugars, dairy products ingredients that don't exactly Improve nutrition. Using raw cocoa Id a liwootrier, you can make your own healthy chocolate!

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