Thursday, December 12, 2013

light:How did Newton explain what white light is?

How did Newton explain what white light is?

Sir lsaac Newton was conducting experiments in a discovered that when a beam of light passes through the glass, it always 'split' into the same band of red, orange, yellow,green, blue, indigo and violet colours.

 When the beam is passed through a second prism, the colours recombined and made white light.  Newton's explanation is that ordinary light, or white light as it is also called, is made up of  the seven colours that we see in the rainbow, each of which has its own wavelength.

 When this ray of light passes through the prism, it is bent by the sharp edge of the prism, and so it splits into the different wavelengths that go in different directions- which is why we see a band of different colours. When this band passes through a second prism, the rays are bent back to their original shape, and the different colours come together once again to emerge as white light.

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