Wednesday, December 11, 2013

light:Why are we able to see things?

Why are we able to see things?
 In order for us to see, light enters our eyes through the blackspot called the pupil which is really a hole in the eye. The pupil can change sizes with the help of the coloured part around it, a muscle called the iris. By opening and closing the pupil, the iris can control the amount of light that enters the eye.

 Once the light is in our eye, it passes through fluids, and lands on the retina at the back
of the eye. In order for the light to be focused on the retina, our eyes have lenses.

 The retina turns the light rays into signals that our brain can understand. The retina uses light-sensitive cells called rods and cones to see. The rods are extra sensitive to light, and help us to see when it's dark. The cones help us to see colour.

 The retina changes light into electrical signals for our brain. The brain translates them into the images that we see.

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