Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Namche Bazaar

 Namche Bazaar or simply Namche is a Sherpa village District. It is located within the Khumbu area at 3,440 ft), with beautiful Sherpa settlement on the sides of the main trading center for the Khumbu region with al lodges, hotels, restaurants, banks, police stations, eli Namche has a good number of lodgings and stores cato needs of visitors as well as a number of internet cale■ of the few places in the region where trekkers can ac Internet. Almost every house has lodging facility. On a Namche Bazaar is the Syangboche Airport (3,750 m / no longer used for passenger flights. Helicopters make cargo flights. Immediately west of Namche lies Kong(' metres (20,299 ft) and to the east is Thamserku at 6, (21,729 ft).

 Namche is popular with trekkers and climbers in the especially for altitude acclimatization, and is the gate. Himalayas. On Saturday mornings, a weekly market is center of the village while there may also be a daily Ti Warm clothing and cheap Chinese consumer goods all sellers.

 Namche has cool, wet summers and chilly, dry winters mainly affected by its altitude and the summer monsoon sea

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