Thursday, December 12, 2013

light:How do fibre optic cables work?

How do fibre optic cables work?
 Fibre optic cables are bundles of extremely pure glass threads that have been coated in two layers of reflective plastic.

 Light travels through the glass strands and continuously reflects off of the inside of the mirrored plastic coatings in a process known as total internal reflection.

The development of flexible optical fibres has enabled light to be trans-mitted over long distances and apparently around corners. Optical fibres are ideal for seeing into places that are not easily acces-sible. They are also used to carry coded light signals over very long distances, and so, are important to the modern telecommunications industry.

 Optical fibres are rather like the nerves in our body. Both are very thin and each contain many hundreds of Individual fibres bundled together. Each nerve fibre is designed so that the electrical signals they send to the brain cannot escape or change at all- in the same way that optical fibres do not allow light to change or escape at all.

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