Thursday, November 21, 2013


 Chabahil Stupa is located ail mild 1 km away from Pashupatinath Temple on the y to Bouddhanath stupa. This pa is also known by the name I Dhanya Bhagwan Stupa. The pa is the largest after three In stupas--- Bouddhanath, ayambhunath and Kathesimpu Kathmandu. It is believed this stupa was made from materials that were left after Wing Bouddhanath Stupa. The pa has some of the chaityas Lichhavi Period. Similarly,  is Chaarumati Monastery the distance of 100 meter from stupa. The monastery was lit in 250 B.0 when Indian peror the Great Ashoka came visit Nepal with his daughter •srumatl. The ancient stupa has the statue of the Lord  Buddha. Likewise, in the distance 100 meter from the monastery is Candrabinayak Ganesh Temple. It is believed that offering prayers at this temple could cure skin diseases.

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