Thursday, November 21, 2013


 Nepal's only zoological garden, the Central Zoo, is located at Lalitpur's Jawalakhel. Different specics of birds and wild animals are placed at the zoo. There is also a children's park in the zoo while one can also enjoy elephant ride and boating. People generally visit the zoo for refreshment in the holidays. The main attractions of this place are hippopotamus, gorilla, the southern African ostrich and the aldrava tortoise that can live for 250 ye place is frequented by of city-dwellers looki enjoyment as well as by couples. The zoological g suitable not only for the I but people of all age gro considered an important spot. We can do elephant ride inside here which is on acthities we can do a_ The zoo remains 10 am to 4 pm in eason and from 10 throughout the rest The entrance fee tourist's children, gepali children are 50. Rs 100 and Rs The Central zoo mind 1.3 km west of Lagankhal buspark.

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