Sunday, December 1, 2013


Of the many ponds in Bhaktapur, Siddhapokhari is the largest.Situated near  Bhaktapur Hospital about 700 meter from   Bhaktapur Durbar Square,vvnorvc this pond was constructed in the ancient period and it has undergone many repairs and reconstructions. It is believed a tantric, who once took a form of a snake to display his power to his wife, lives in Siddhipokhari. The story goes that the tantric upon insistence of his wife showed his power by transforming himself into a snake. The tantric had given some rice grains to his wife and advised her to throw them on his serpent form to bring him back to his original form. The tantric wife, however, got terrified seeing her husband morph into a snake and ran away. Trapped inside a snake's body, the tantric entered the Siddhipokhari fearing that the villagers would kill him. Many believe the tantric still reside in the pond as a snake.

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