Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Located near the Vatshala temple, the temple of Yaksheswor Mahadev is one of the old temples of Bhaktapur Durbar Square. This temple was built by King Yaksha Malla in the 15th century. According to the legend, KingYaksha Malla had a great faith on Lord Pushupatinath. Every day he visited the temple of Pushupatinath in Kathmandu before his meal. One day, a flood at Manhara River kept the king from visiting the Pushupatinath temple, so he observed a fast for the entire day. On the following night, Lord Pushupatinath appeared in the king's dreams and advised him to establish a temple of Pushupatinath in Bhaktapur. King Yaksha Malla gave orders to construct this temple, where he could worship Pushupatinath daily. The temple came to be known as Yaksheswor Mahadev temple.

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